mental health care
societal resilience for future generations. All counties today are developing, in terms of global mental health care.

Responding to crises, expanding access, and promoting quality of mental health care for the global community
Partnering to strengthen delivery of quality psychiatric care as part of comprehensive, community-based health systems, through bi-directional program implementation support, training and research in collaboration with local and community partners. We work in the US and globally to close the global mental health service delivery gap. Preparing the next generation of leaders in global mental health delivery.
Dr. Pierce’s Vision
Founder, The Mass General Hospital
Division of Global Psychiatry
“The challenge before us is to mold a new sort of sub-specialist. Any person we send forth from the program should be, like Euripides, someone whose province is all of
humankind. Such sub-specialists hold the promise of modifying the practice, research and education of all psychiatrists, in a manner congruent with the tone of the 21st Century. ”
Crisis Response
Engaged in responding to disasters and humanitarian crises.
Service Delivery
Responding to the global mental health service delivery gap.
Training & Education
Preparing the next generation of leaders.
Engaging Early
Fostering collaborations to enhance trans-national and trans-disciplinary programs.
MGB Collaborative
Strengthening institutional collaborations in global mental health.

Collaborations in Psychiatric Education
Addressing the significant global burden of mental illness and inequities in mental health care access requires the sustainable development of local systems and services. Capacity building is at the core of sustainable mental health care program development, especially as it relates to strengthening human resources. The Division works to strengthen bi-directional training and collaboration in education in psychiatric training.
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Health equity, collaboration and partnerships are the foundation for effective global mental health delivery.
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