Chester M. Pierce was a Professor of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School and Professor of Education at Harvard University. He also served on the faculty of the Harvard School of Public Health.
He was a Senior Psychiatrist at Massachusetts General Hospital, where he spent much of his career. He was also a psychiatrist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology for almost 25 years. Dr. Pierce was revered by his many students of all backgrounds and ethnic groups as a brilliant, scholarly, kind, and humble professor who brought great dignity and honor to his profession and the Harvard community. He was a visionary pioneer in the field of global mental health. His wisdom continues to guide us today.
More About Dr. Chester Pierce

During his distinguished career, Dr. Pierce served as President of both the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology and the American Orthopsychiatric Association. He was on The Carter Center Mental Health Task Force from 2001 to 2004, and was founding president of the Black Psychiatrists of America Association and National Chairperson of the Child Development Associate Consortium.

In 2002, Dr. Pierce organized a groundbreaking "African Diaspora" international conference that brought together psychiatrists of African descent from all over the globe to discuss common issues and challenges. His vision for an international psychiatry effort at MGH was realized in 2003 with the founding of the MGH Division of International Psychiatry. The Division was renamed in 2009 as the Chester M. Pierce, MD Division of Global Psychiatry in Dr. Pierce’s honor. To read more about Dr. Pierce and the creation of Division, click here to download “Mindscapes”, the Department of Psychiatry’s newsletter.
Additional Photos
Click on the image above to download the proceedings from the African Diaspora meeting
Dr. Chester Pierce in Japan
(bottom left)
From left to right: Drs. David Henderson, Chester Pierce and Teshome Shibre
NIMH Associate Director for Special Populations Dr. Pamela Collins (on left) and Dr. Chester Pierce
From left to right: Drs. David Henderson, Chester Pierce, Peter Slavin and
Jerrold Rosenbaum
Biography of Dr. Chester M. Pierce
by Ezra E. H. Griffith
Select Publications
1. Pierce, C. (1999). Psychiatry and Society. Nicholi, A.M. (Ed.), The Harvard guide to psychiatry (3rd ed.) (pp. 735-823). Cambridge, Mass.: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press.
2. Pierce, C. (1984). Television and violence: Social psychiatric perspectives. American Journal of Social Psychiatry, 4(3), 41-44.
3. Pierce, C. (1980). Review of Psychological and educational assessment of minority children. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 168(1), 51-52.
4. Pierce, C. (1975). A report on minority children. Psychiatric Annals, 5(6), 244-246.
5. Mathis, J., Pierce, C., & Pishkin, V. (1968). Basic psychiatry: A primer of concepts and terminology. East Norwalk. CT: Appleton-Century-Crofts.